We Provide Solar

What are you sincerely saving with solar?
Using better photovoltaic electricity can keep extra money.

What can solar power do for your business?

In a business, electricity is the supply of the whole lot that runs the whole company, and lowering diesel-generated upkeep and decreasing the value of electrical energy isn't simply a luxury, it's about efficiency, freedom, and control. Leverage a PRO TELECOMS storage system to store you the most cash for the longest time. Once your machine is up, the solar system will begin paying you again for the most return on your investment.

Solar Power for Businesses and Business Finance Options

As a business owner, there is always a drive to reduce expenses and increase profits, Solar Power for Businesses is a guaranteed way of generating a significant increase in these profits. For most businesses, the bulk of the power draw is during daylight hours, which is the prime time to be combating that expense with a Business Solar Installation. We aid business owners in saving Millions of Rands, not only in Rand value savings, but also from the SARS tax incentive called Section 12B - which is an incentive offered by SARS to encourage business owners to move to renewable energy.

We understand it is a difficult decision for business owners to part with large capital, which firstly is why we offer prospective clients the opportunity to join us to view previous installations that we have completed, to see exactly what they can expect from their Business Solar Installation, and secondly also offer exciting finance models - which take into account the Section 12B tax incentive.